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Cybersecurity for law firms is the question on many chambers' minds.

Lawyers possess a vast array of confidential information concerning their clients and business transactions, ranging from trade secrets and intellectual property to wealth, income, and financial details. A law firm must implement a robust cybersecurity strategy to protect this sensitive data. Yet, for numerous law firms, achieving such a strategy remains challenging, either due to financial constraints or a lack of prioritisation towards cybersecurity.

That’s where 30 Park Place comes in, leading the way for all law firms to protect themselves and their client’s information.

To most people, the contents of a lawyer’s laptop may seem like mundane files. However, when vital information is insufficiently protected by cybersecurity measures, it’s unsurprising that law firms become attractive targets for hackers and cybercriminals seeking unauthorised access to valuable data.

Certainly, the risks to data security within computer systems, networks, and cloud services continue to escalate, presenting a significant challenge for lawyers and their firms. As per the 2021 Legal Technology Survey Report from the American Bar Association, a quarter of respondents indicated that their law firms had experienced breaches at some stage.

Why does cybersecurity matter more to law firms now than ever before?

Given the substantial caseloads lawyers handle, they can’t afford to spend time fretting over data security, firewall effectiveness, malware threats, or password strength. However, law firms may unwittingly become enticing targets for cybercriminals aiming to exploit lucrative yet susceptible businesses.

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) recently visited 40 practices where thematic reviews of cybersecurity measures were performed which led to staggering statistics on law firms’ exposure to cybercrime.

  • 3 out 4 law firms visited reported having been the victims of a cyber attack
  • 23 of the law firms directly targeted had more than £ 4m in client funds stolen
  • 1 law firm in 2 was found to have granted unrestricted use of external data-storage media
  • 1 law firm in 4 does not encrypt its laptops

Lawyers are experts in their specific fields, but this expertise doesn’t automatically extend to cybersecurity. However, considering the recent surge in cyber attacks targeting law firms, attorneys can’t afford to ignore the significance of cybersecurity. The gravity of the situation amplifies as it becomes progressively harder to shield businesses from cyber threats posed by criminals with ever-evolving penetration skills.

Almost overnight, the COVID-19 pandemic compelled lawyers to transition to remote work. Alongside this shift came a barrage of additional cyber challenges, including a surge in COVID-related scams. Some law firms, especially those equipped with top-notch practice management software, were better equipped to handle the onslaught. However, for the majority of firms, the transition appeared relatively smooth. Technology-enabled law firms likely felt reassured that their employees could work from home while maintaining client services. Yet, the pressing and immediate need to address the cyber threats they encountered remained hard to overlook.

Lead by Example

30 Park Place has obtained Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation, which is one of the highest standards of cybersecurity for businesses in the UK.

The accreditation demonstrates chambers’ commitment to ensuring that all of our IT systems and procedures meet the strictest standards for data protection and cybersecurity. Cyber Essentials Plus is an industry-recognized scheme designed to protect businesses from a range of cyber threats, including hacking, phishing, and malware attacks.

30 Park Place has long been known for its excellence in legal services, and this recent accreditation only further solidifies chambers’ reputation for providing clients with the highest level of protection for their sensitive data. The achievement also provides peace of mind for clients that their data is protected from cyber threats.

30 Park Place’s Senior Clerk, Phillip Griffiths, stated that the accreditation was a significant achievement for chambers, and it demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that our clients’ confidential information is safeguarded against cyber threats. The accreditation also positions 30 Park Place as a leading barristers’ chambers in terms of cybersecurity, setting them apart from their competitors.

This accreditation reinforces the importance of cybersecurity and the need for businesses, including barristers’ chambers, to take proactive measures to protect their clients’ data. 30 Park Place’s commitment to cybersecurity serves as an example for other businesses to follow.

Make sure to attend our Linkedin Live with 30 Park Place so you can learn from Kayleigh Jefferies and Eve Oliver as they discuss how 30 Park Place was able to become Cyber Secure.

Sign up for our event via Linkedin today.

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