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Outdated software, commonly referred to as legacy software, is frequently underestimated within a business setting.

The task of replacing such software is often relegated to the lower tiers of the priority list, with some waiting until a critical issue arises before taking action. However, this approach carries risks that can prove detrimental to your business if you don’t transition to a more up-to-date system. Using outdated software not only hampers production but also poses a threat to your entire operational integrity.

As an illustration, contemporary finance teams frequently adhere to their outdated ERP software for rebate management due to concerns about the expenses associated with transitioning to a new system or simply being resistant to change. Nonetheless, what these businesses may overlook is that maintaining their legacy software is incurring higher costs. To effectively handle the intricacies of rebates, finance teams now necessitate automation to process rebate agreements more efficiently and provide comprehensive real-time business insights throughout the organisation.

Main reasons why you haven’t upgraded your outdated software

At CSG, we understand that you may not have time to worry about your outdated software and the responsibility to ensure that things are in working order can sometimes be too much for organisations, partnering with CSG means that we can take this worry and responsibility away from you. We often hear that the main reasons for not upgrading outdated software are:

  1. The lack of knowledge on what is the right software to use and how to update it. It can take a lot of time to research and evaluate solutions that are offered to you, but how are you supposed to know what solution is best for your unique business needs? That’s why CSG is the preferred IT partner for hundreds of businesses as we only suggest solutions that are tailored to you.
  2. The cost is always going to be something organisations try to cut down. Updating and making the move to new technology from outdated software can often seem like it’s too expensive, but finding the most cost-effective approach is something that CSG thrive at. Our dedicated team have been praised for going the extra mile to save costs for our clients by fixing their outdated software and our Account Managers never suggest solutions without putting the most cost-effective approach forward.
  3. Haven’t needed to update it: this is something we hear a lot. If you feel that your system is working fine, then often or not it doesn’t get looked at. However, this won’t be the case if your business suffers a cyber attack that costs you millions. This is something CSG values and that our tailored services provide, to be proactive rather than reactive. 
  4. Fear of breaking the system: for those who aren’t tech-savvy, updating something can be terrifying as you don’t want to crash it! However, it is more damaging to not update your old system so make sure you get the help you need when it comes to updating your outdated software. 

Many of you might be thinking that the above are valid reasons to keep using your outdated software, however, there are many risks involved with this approach. The 6 main risks include:

Risk 1: Legal and regulatory risks 

Data storage regulations exist to guarantee that data is securely and legally maintained. If your business relies on unsupported and outdated software, you may be violating these regulations, leading to potentially disastrous consequences. Auditors have the authority to impose fines on companies that fail to transition from unsupported software or systems.

Risk 2: Increased costs
Maintaining outdated software can be costly and is prone to more frequent failures. While implementing a new software system incurs an initial expense, it carries less risk and is likely to result in long-term cost savings. Additionally, ageing technology struggles to integrate seamlessly with newer, modern systems, leading to missed opportunities to leverage enhanced functionality. This lack of integration also hinders business processes from achieving optimal efficiency.
Risk 3: Decreased staff productivity 
Outdated software operates at a slower pace, necessitating extended time for task execution and demanding more labour-intensive maintenance, updates, and helpdesk interventions compared to its more contemporary counterparts. The resultant frustration within your team arises from tools or applications hindering their workflow, causing delays while waiting for issue resolutions. This decline in productivity has the potential to incur costs for your business, impacting both revenue and return on investment.
Risk 4: Unnecessary delays
Handling data is standard practice for numerous businesses, and waiting for extended periods to obtain the necessary results for informed business decisions should not be acceptable. While some may attribute this delay to tradition, it doesn’t have to persist that way. The primary objective of transitioning from an outdated software solution is to enhance efficiency, boost productivity, and streamline operations throughout the entire business.
Risk 5: Software integration issues 
In the contemporary business landscape, the integration of systems is indispensable. Without software integration, employees are compelled to manually transfer data across various tools, leading to significant time consumption. Unfortunately, many organisations discover that their outdated software operates in isolation and was not originally crafted to integrate with other software components. Although this might have been acceptable at some point, it severely curtails your organisation’s flexibility and scalability, limiting the scope of integrations you can execute. For instance, at CSG, we frequently observe our customers integrating their rebate management system with an ERP to efficiently gather essential business information.
Risk 6: Security 
Languid and obstructive, outdated software has the potential to lead to significant security concerns in the future. This is primarily due to its inherent age and the possibility that it is no longer supported by the vendor or company responsible for its creation. The absence of ongoing support implies a lack of investment in developing bug patches or enhancing security for your outdated software platform.
Unattended software becomes more susceptible to attacks and automated scanning bots, posing a threat to the security of sensitive company data. Moreover, the risk extends to the potential total collapse of your software, leaving your IT team to navigate the aftermath independently. The most effective means of mitigating these substantial security risks is to either upgrade your outdated software or transition to an entirely new platform.
The landscape of cyber security threats has increased significantly over the past years and in today’s environment, you cannot afford to not protect yourself against these risks. CSG are experts in how to protect your business, so make sure to get in touch with our team today to learn more about how CSG can help protect your business from the risks of outdated software.

Get in touch with our team today to protect your business from the risks of outdated software.

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