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Here at CSG we pride ourselves in our communication with clients. Due to the recent events of Brexit, as you know we are leaving the EU shortly. Therefore, CSG have come up with new product updates and promotions throughout this blog that might be of interest to you from moving to the cloud with Pegasus Opera 3, to auto-invoicing and quarterly discounts. These promotions and updates are expected to change as we approach the leaving date, but further updates will be given nearer this time.

Leaving the EU

  • Due to Brexit being confirmed, as you know we are leaving the EU. This can hinder the movement of goods both in and out of the UK as there will be full control implemented on this. This will be similar to the rules that currently apply to movement of goods with non-EU countries.
  • The documents below provide a high-level overview of the changes that are coming into force from January 2021 and the implications this will have for Opera 3, Opera II and Capital Gold customers.

Pegasus Opera 3 SE SQL

  • The SQL SE upgrade is now available for the complete system, minus SPM, Service and Helpdesk Management. For any client that is experiencing slow speeds of Opera and wants the database upgraded to SQL server , to speak to your account manager. Considerations are needed around any Bespoke software and the IT server infrastructure.
  • An investment in Opera 3 SQL SE will protect your business as you move into the future. For more information and to uncover the benefits – see the PDF documents below.

Leaving the EU Part 1

Opera 3 SE SQL Benefits Of Upgrading

Leaving the EU Part 2

Leaving the EU Part 3

Leaving the EU Part 4- Most recent

Opera 3 Release Information



Auto Invoicing

  • Rather than having to manually handle invoice processing and being caught up in an unwanted pile of overwhelming employee invoices, why not give auto-invoicing a go? With it’s easy drag and drop service you don’t have to leave your invoices build up and get messy at the desk, everything is virtual and the correct invoice data is extracted accordingly.
  • For more information around this see the below PDF and see how much quicker auto invoicing is in comparison to manually doing it.
  • Or click the link here > Auto Invoicing Video

CSG Promotions

  • CSG are offering a quarterly promotion for October, November and December. Any users, application or core software added we will reduce the RRP by 35%.  Subject to terms and conditions.
  • For more information around this- contact your account manager.

Pegasus Business Cloud

  • Moving to Opera 3 on Pegasus Business Cloud will allow you to access ERP business solution online. This can be accessed wherever you are and whenever you need it. Easy installation helps for a quick process to modernise your business in a cost-effective manner.
  • Other benefits include:

1) Reduction in your total cost of ownership
2) Increased security and dependability
3) No upfront cost- monthly payment
4) Allows for information to be shared across your business with ease
5) Installation is quick and efficient from your Pegasus partner
6) Integrates with Microsoft Office 365
7) Has flexible aspects in order to grow

  • If this is of interest please get in touch with your account manager for more information and to uncover even more of the benefits.

Auto Invoicing In Pegasus Opera 3

Call us on 0330 400 5465 for more information

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