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Full disk encryption is the essential first line of defence to protect your data in any of these events. Sophos central gives you the ability to manage full disk encryption from single, integrated, web-based management centre. With Sophos Central Device Encryption you can centrally manage Windows BitLocker and MacOS FileVault native device encryption.

What are the features?

1) Disk Encryption

Full disk encryption for Windows and MacOS allows for full protection of your devices and your data. It is managed alongside our entire cybersecurity portfolio in Sophos Central.

2) Intuitive

Easy to set up, easy to manage. There’s no server to deploy and no need to configure back-end key servers. Takes only minutes to secure devices.

3) Compliance

Remote working has made it more important and crucial than ever to secure your devices. You are more vulnerable to attack when working from home so this method is a great way to minimise your chances.

4) Self-service portal

This allows users to regain access to their devices so they’re back up and running faster- allowing for one less call to the IT help desk.

5) Secure file share

Confidentiality share sensitive files. A password protected HTML wrapper ensures only recipients with the correct password can access a document.

6) Visibility

Give admins visibility of devices across their estate. Ensures machines have been encrypted, or drill down into details about disks and encryption methods.


The document below gives you an even more detailed insight into the key benefits of encrypting your devices, and why it is the best method for full protection.

Sophos central device encryption info sheet

For more information call us on 0330 400 5465

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