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Cyber Security Tips For The Office

In an interconnected world dominated by digital technology, the significance of cybersecurity has never been more profound. As businesses and organisations continue to rely heavily on the internet and digital tools, the threat landscape of cyberattacks has expanded exponentially. 

From small startups to multinational corporations, no one is safe!

The stakes are particularly high in workplaces, where sensitive data, proprietary information, and the productivity of an entire workforce can be jeopardised with a single breach. 

In this second instalment of our latest blog series, we outline tips that employees can use to avoid cybercriminals and prevent a disaster from happening on a quiet Thursday afternoon at the office!

Understanding Your Role

As an employee, you play a crucial role in safeguarding your company from cybersecurity threats. While the IT administrators strive to create a secure work environment, it ultimately falls upon you to practise safe computing practices in the workplace.

Taking the time to read this article on cyber security tips for employees marks the first important step in contributing to the protection of valuable data against potential threat actors.

30% of data breaches are caused by internal actors. Of these breaches, 37% resulted from stolen or compromised credentials, 22% from errors, and 8% from the misuse of authorised user privileges.

Only Use Approved Tech

Shadow IT – also known as Stealth IT, Client IT, or Fake IT – is any system, solution, or software you use for work without the knowledge and approval of your IT department. 

This is a bad idea!

Watch out for personal iCloud, and drive accounts too, as these may fall out of compliance and pose a large risk to your data!

Beware of Phishing

This is a biggie, and is responsible for a lot of breaches!

​​Phishing is a form of fraudulent activity that relies on deceptive emails, text messages, or social media communications to trick individuals into clicking malicious links, divulging sensitive information, transferring funds, or performing actions that favour the attackers.

Data security faces an ongoing challenge due to the prevalence of phishing attacks. According to the Verizon report, these deceitful tactics account for 22% of the data breaches examined. Cybercriminals leverage phishing to gain unauthorised access to accounts, pilfer company funds, and breach confidential data, posing significant risks to individuals and organisations alike.

Don’t Lazy With Passwords

As cute as your little dog might be, their name is not the best password!

Ensure that your passwords are both unique and confidential, striking a balance between being memorable for you and difficult for potential attackers to guess. Additionally, whenever feasible, employ multi-factor authentication (MFA). This means combining various authentication methods such as a strong password, biometrics, a PIN, etc., which will significantly raise the barriers for any unauthorised access attempts on your account.

  1. Do not reuse passwords. If a data breach ever leaks one of your accounts the attacker could gain access to other accounts using your reused passwords.
  2. Use company-provided authentication measures such as a password manager or Identity Access Management (IAM) solution.
  3. Do not leave passwords in an insecure location such as a Post-it note, journal, or unencrypted text file.

Leave The Laptop At Work

Avoid utilising company devices for personal activities, such as browsing social media or accessing personal email from work computers. Although these actions may appear harmless, they can pose a significant threat to sensitive data. Websites visited for leisure might lack the same level of security as those typically accessed during work hours.

Particularly hazardous is the use of personal email accounts on company devices, as they lack the protection of enterprise-grade secure email gateways. Consequently, you become more susceptible to receiving dangerous phishing emails and malicious attachments in your personal inbox compared to your work-only inbox. Exercise caution to safeguard sensitive information and maintain the security of company devices.

Ready for the next chapter? 

Read more below … 

Chapter 1 – Types Of Threat

Chapter 2 – Cyber Security Tips For The Office

Chapter 3 – Future Proofing Your Business With Technology

Chapter 4 – The Benefits of Outsourcing Your IT

Chapter 5 – Choosing The Right Help

Please feel free to contact us today! Tel: 0330 400 5465

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