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In today's economy it makes sense to try and reduce business expenses. However, reducing expenses shouldn't mean that your IT infratructure has to suffer. Here are six ways you can reduce your IT expenses while actually improving the quality of your IT infrastructure.

Use cloud storage as part of your disaster recovery plan

The benfits of using the cloud are very well documented but not so many people realize the huge disaster recovery benefits that cloud can offer to businesses. Not only is cloud storage affordable, but it eliminates the need to use complex and cost prohibitive data rcovery software. To get a better idea of how cloud storage works, sign up for a free account with DropBox or Google Drive.

The reason why cloud computing is such an effective means of disaster recovery and prevention is because its largely based on virtualisation. Virtualisation means that the entire server, including the OS (Operating System), applications and data is combined into one software bundle or virtual server. The entire server can then be duplicated or backed up to an external data centre.

Tiered storage systems and de-duplication software

This is massively important for companies that store large amounts of files. Not only does it reduce the amount of physical space needed, but it also reduces the need to buy extra storage space. In the average business, around 70% of a company’s storage capacity maybe occupied by large amounts of duplicate data.

The duplication problem can be solved by using a de-duplication software package which will help you to save space and significantly reduce costs. There are a number of both free and paid de-duplication software packages available on the web. However, this is only useful if you have large amounts of duplicate data.

Consider thin clients

If you are thinking about purchasing new desktop computers for your business, consider using thin clients instead. Thin clients are small devices that allow users to share a central server rather than having their own PC. Thin clients cost significantly less than desktop PC’s and are a lot easier to manage. Other benefits of thin clients include a reduction in energy bills and licensing costs.

Use VoIP rather than traditional telecoms

VoIP stands for “Voice over Internet Protocol” this is a telecoms service which is delivered over the internet. If youre internet connection is of reasonably good quality, VoIP is an excellent way your telecoms service delivered via your internet connection rather than from your local telecoms company.

By using VoIP as your primary means of communication, you will save a significant amount of money on your phone bills. One major advantage of VoIP is that the telephone calls do not incur any extra charges beyond what the user is paying for internet access. Beyond the usual options such as call waiting, voicemail, toll free numbers and call forwarding. VoIP provides many other features that can help your small business to function more effectively on a day to day basis.

Purchase hardware in volume

Purchasing hardware in volume will decrease the overall price per item and will often come with manufacturer incentives. You don’t have to purchase thousands of units to reap the rewards. Sometimes you can bring the price down by just buying four or five units, so never be afraid to ask.

Make use of open source software

Why pay for applications that have good open source alternatives? More often than not, open source software is backed up by a great community of people who would be more than happy to help you. Examples of great open source software include FileZilla (FTP programme), (alternative to Adobe Photoshop) and Sugar CRM (CRM).

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