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In a little over a year, extended support for Windows 7 will come to an end and with 41.2% of computers in the UK still running on it, time is running out fast.

On January 14th 2020 Windows 7 will reach its end of life. From there on out, Microsoft will not support it or push out security features. Now this doesn’t mean your computer will crash overnight, but it will be easier to infect with any viruses and Microsoft won’t be able to help.

2020 may seem like a fairly long time away, but in reality it’s not. Moving over to a new operating system takes time and planning, especially if you are a larger business with several machines.

So, what can you do?

  • Firstly, take an inventory of what systems you already have. Find out what needs to be upgraded or even replaced
  • Have a date in mind when you want everything to be completed. Don’t leave it until the last minute otherwise you are putting unnecessary pressure on your IT provider or in-house team
  • Some computers can’t handle Windows 10 so you may need to order in new machines
  • Train your team. Make sure they understand how to use the new systems and give them a chance to get comfortable with them

If you are unsure of anything, you can always call our team on 0330 400 5465 and we will be happy to discuss your requirements. The important thing is you start to plan now because in reality, 2020 is fast approaching and the last thing you want is for an unsupported system to be running your computers in 12 months’ time.

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