If you are attuned to current thinking around customer service you’ll know it’s old hat.
It’s morphed into customer experience. And an optimal customer experience is something every business is striving to deliver. Trouble is, unlike the old days where the business basically dictated how it communicated to its customers, the boot is now on the other foot.
The customers are doing the dictating. They are choosing how they communicate with their suppliers. And they are choosing multiple channels: telephony, email, web and – directly and indirectly – Facebook and Twitter. So companies need the technology to communicate back across these multiple channels.
At the very least they need an IP based telephone system that, because it uses the same digital communications technology as email and the web, is able to accommodate different means of communication other than voice. And a good system offers facilities well beyond just communicating. It supports presence: knowing the availability of employees, and the most appropriate means of contact: put a call through, or send it to their mobile, or send it to voicemail and attach that sound file to an email message.
It can also be integrated with customer databases held on computer, so that an incoming call can automatically pull up all the information about that customer, before the operator answers the call. It can convert incoming fax messages to PDF files and email them to the appropriate person. It can create fax messages from PDF files.
All this is well beyond simple telephony. It’s unified communications. It’s the future of communications and it’s being adopted my more and more businesses. Those that fail to follow suit will fall behind.
Our VoiP and Hosted PBX services are dedicated for clients.
“Since purchasing IP telephony from CSG, we have got a call manager system that enables us to communicate effortlessly anywhere, anytime and have a system that is scalable for our business.”
Paul Trotman, Manufacturing sector
Need advice? Call us on 0330 400 5465